Friday, June 01, 2007

I love the design

Designing the website for a major news organization is not the easiest thing to do but it seems that Khoi Vinh, Design Director for the, has pulled it off. I love reading the New York Times newspaper/print because it's so well laid out and they've got great pictures. Vinh has managed to translate this onto the website as well. The typography is very readable, the content is well laid out, the pictures still look great and you can feel the New York Times brand all over the site. Technorati lists them as the most authoritative media site on the internet -- so I guess that they're doing something right. Major kudos to Khoi Vinh.


Unknown said...

Just out of interest I copied and pasted text from your blog into crossrefme, and came back with 100% originality :) How does that happen?

AL said...

@i'd like to tell you ...
Well, crossrefme takes the text that you input and compares it with websites on the internet to see how similar they are. The more sentences/words your text has in common with another websites the higher the % originality.